The Saskatchewan Traveller
by: Dale and Trudy Buxton
To start our story, there has always been a motorcycle handy around the house to use, however Trudy was not one to jump on the back and take a ride. Trudy tried once but said that she would never get back on a two wheeler, probably had nothing to do with the driver. A decision was made a couple of years ago to maybe purchase a three wheel version and to see what it would be like to hit the open road. Finding a “trike” that would be good was no easy task, lots of learning to do and lots of inquiries, after some time we found the perfect bike in which to start our adventures.
It all starts with a little trip to Landis and back, to get our feet wet per say, and then in the next couple of days it was off to Wilkie on highway 14, make a turn at Wilkie on highway 29 to the historic little town of Battleford and then on highway 4 south back to Biggar.
If anyone is looking to maybe take a little cruise in the countryside, this little trip is 210 km’s and the beauty of the trip is stunning. It is always nice to get off the beaten path and travel different directions. Highway 29 is well preserved, not unlike some highways in the province, and travel for the most part is smooth. There are lots of differently laid out farmyards to see and the overall trip is quite satisfying. If the timing is right you may want to stop in Wilkie or Battleford for lunch and enjoy the overall experience. If you have the time you will find a museum in Wilkie and in Battleford you will find the Fort Battleford Historic site. Did you know that the Town of Battleford is home to the Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame and has Canada’s largest baseball bat? Check times so you can visit these fine places.
Watch out for wildlife, lots of deer, especially on highway 4 and if lucky enough maybe you will see a moose. There may also be on occasion some cattle or horses on the road.
To round out our little trip the first 208 km’s was dry and then the last 2 was a downpour and we were soaked. Good laughs and a good trip as all trips should be.
More to come on future adventures.