Obituaries & Memorials

Rita Lynne Chamberlain

August 11, 1949 - November 14, 2023

Obituary Posts

Rita Lynne Chamberlain passed away peacefully in the early afternoon of November 14, 2023 at the Biggar & District Health Centre Long Term Care Facility. She leaves to mourn her passing is her twin brother Rae. She was predeceased by her mother Lynne in 1998 and her father Rodney in 2000.
Rita came into this world on August 11, 1949 in Dodsland Hospital. She spent the first six years of life growing up at Downe, a rail siding with two grain elevators, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool and Federal, and two agent houses. She began school attending Glengary School a one room school with all the grades in one room. In 1957, her Dad got the elevator agents position at Ruthilda so the family moved to Ruthilda with a two room school taking grades two to seven. Come grade eight she went by school bus to school in Springwater. This was a four-room school. She finished her high school grades 10 to 12 at North West Central High School in Plenty.
Upon finishing school Rita applied for a tellers job at the Biggar & District Credit Union and began working in Biggar in the fall. After working for a few months, she purchased her first car. After a few years she moved to North Battleford and worked for an accounting firm. An accounting job came open at a local General Motors auto dealership, Rita applied for it and got the job. Over time in addition to the accounting Rita also took on the role of office manager for the Ulmer group.
Over the years Rita was recognized by GM in the Dealers Account Club. She received as a reward, various pieces of sculpture, art works and a couple of gold rings with the GM insignia.
Growing up Rita took piano lessons, attended Sunday School, sang in the children’s church choir, joined the United Church and joined the CGIT (Canadian Girls in Training) As an adult she developed an interest in photography and joined the North Battleford Photography Club. She won several ribbons in the photography club exhibitions. She was a member of the United Church and in North Battleford severed in various capacities on the Board of Directors. She was also on the Board of the Battleford and area Assault Centre. Rita supported the performing arts by attending many of the dinner theaters that were in the community and area and attended many performances at the Centennial Auditorium in Saskatoon.
Rita enjoyed the outdoors and each year grew flowers and a vegetable garden. She enjoyed going for a drive around the country side. In 2010, she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Unfortunately, the disease got the best of her in 2020 and she had to go into long term care. Luckily, she was able to get into the Biggar Health Centre Long Care Facility. She keeps in contact with her friends in North Battleford and has renewed friendships with her Biggar friends.
A Graveside Service for Rita will be held Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 2:00PM in Biggar Cemetery.
Donations may be made payable to the Biggar & District Health Centre Residents Activity Department, PO Box 130, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 in Rita’s honour.

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