Obituaries & Memorials

Delmar Joe Boyne

January 14, 1948 - December 28, 2021

Obituary Posts

Obituary for my husband Delmar Joe Boyne. 1948 to 2021. Delmar passed peacefully at Ridge Meadows Hospital located in Maple Ridge, BC. on Dec 28, 2021. A former resident of Biggar who was born in North Battleford,,Saskatchewan on January 14 1948.
The fourth child of Gordon and Mary Boyne., At the age of seven Delmar’s family moved to the Oxbrough District five miles west of Biggar.. He attended Oxbrough Country School, and later Thorton School in Biggar, He was an Air Cadet and a Past President of the 4H Club in the Oxbrough District. Delmar married his sweetheart Sharron Burton, rin. His working career began at  the Biggar Pool Grain Elevator as an Assistant to the then Grain Agent Joe Pedrotti. Having lots of experience working at the Archie Clark farm as a youngster helped in his new position.Delmar and Sharron moved to Edmonton in 1969 where a new career offered him advancement working for the Government Grain Elevators. Their first born son Corey Gordon was born here.Then a Sister Jacqui was born in St. Albert Alta. The Young family moved to Vancouver where their last child Jason was born, Delmar became a Grain Inspector in the Weighing division of the Government Grain Terminal in North Vancouver,transferring to the Pioneer Pool Terminal later to be named James Richardson International. Here he loaded grain ships for export throughout the World. He retired in 2008 and moved to Maple Ridge, BC. No one to be idle for long Delmar needed a new outlet. volunteering with The Fraternal Order of Eagles. Raising funds for various Charities both local,Provincial and International. He also developed a love /hate relationship for the game of golf. Always stopping at the nineteen hole for refreshment and conversation with the guys. Mourning his loss,his wife of 52 years Sharron,his three children, their spouses and five grandchildren.Two sisters,Velma Mann of Morse Saskatchewan and Gwen Koch of Tsawwassen BC and many Nephews,Nieces,and Cousins A graveside service will be held on June 25, 2022 at 2:00 P.M .Biggar Cemetery followed by refreshments at the United Church. Those wishing to pay their respects are cordially invited.

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